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  1. **设备选型**:根据客户活动的规模和需求,缘通租赁精心挑选了一批高性能、易操作且具备多种支付方式的通道收费检票闸机。这些设备不仅能够满足现场快速检票的需求,还能有效防止逃票行为,确保活动的收益安全。

  2. **租赁方案**:考虑到客户的实际需求和预算,缘通租赁为客户量身定制了一套灵活的租赁方案。方案包括设备的租赁期限、租金支付方式、技术支持和现场维护等内容,确保客户在活动期间能够无忧使用设备。

  3. **现场服务**:在活动开始前,缘通租赁的专业技术人员对设备进行了全面的检查和调试,确保设备能够正常运行。同时,他们还为客户提供了详细的操作指南和培训,确保客户能够熟练使用设备。活动期间,缘通租赁还安排了专人进行现场值守,随时解决可能出现的问题。










  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Xiangfan, Hubei**

  In Xiangfan, a city with a long history in Hubei Province, Yuantong Rental has won the trust and praise of many customers with its professional equipment rental services and efficient solutions. Today, we will share a successful case about the rental of channel toll and ticket checking gates, and see how short-term rental services helped a large cultural activity center in Xiangfan successfully hold a grand event.

  **I. Background of Customer Needs**

  A large cultural activity center in Xiangfan recently planned to hold a three-day music festival, which was expected to attract tens of thousands of spectators. To ensure the smooth progress of the event and the safety of the spectators, the activity center urgently needed a batch of high-quality channel toll and ticket checking gates. However, due to the short duration of the event, purchasing new equipment was not only costly but also difficult to dispose of after the event. Therefore, they decided to seek professional rental services.

  **II. Solution Provided by Yuantong Rental**

  After understanding the customers needs, Yuantong Rental responded quickly and provided the following solutions:

  1. **Equipment Selection**: Based on the scale and requirements of the customers event, Yuantong Rental carefully selected a batch of high-performance, easy-to-operate channel toll and ticket checking gates with multiple payment methods. These devices could not only meet the needs of rapid ticket checking at the scene but also effectively prevent ticket evasion, ensuring the revenue security of the event.

  2. **Rental Plan**: Considering the customers actual needs and budget, Yuantong Rental customized a flexible rental plan for them. The plan included the rental


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